Hypermarket integrates Retail Management System with OS Trio

15 Feb 2019

A local wholesale hypermart has selected OS Trio to deploy its OS Trio ERP Backend to help manage its chain of hypermarts. The rapid growing company, based on the northern state of Kedah, operates a chain of wholesale hypermarkets and has plan for rapid expansion of its hypermart chain nationwide. 

The company is using Retail Management System (RMS) to manage its hypermart supply chain process as well as its front end cashiering operations while OS Trio has been selected to deploy its web based Financial solution.

For this project, OS Trio will be working closely with the RMS provider to integrate the RMS data into OS Trio’s Financial Module. Upon completion of deployment, RMS data from all the company’s hypermart chain will be automatically pulled into OS Trio’s Financial Module, offering the company with the ability to generate complete and accurate accounting and financial reporting.

Besides the Financial solution, OS Trio will also assist the company to map out its mid and long-term IT plan thru identification of future enterprise products deployment such as customer relationship management,  central warehouse management system to name a few. 
